Friday, March 26, 2010

Gun toting conservative here!

Just a reminder for all of you who oppose the second amendment; the purpose behind it was to give the individual the power to protect themselves from anyone or anything that threatened their life or freedom. That includes the government. Our founding fathers put as many fail safes in the constitution as possible to protect the people from the corruption and evil that always seems to creep into the central government. The last resort, in the case of oppression from the State, is an act of war by the people, to reclaim the power and freedom which was promised to them by the constitution. Our founding fathers did not give us the right to bear arms to go on weekend hunting trips; it was given to us for times such as these. Do you realize that the only reason that our government has any power at all is because they have a lot of really big guns. If you break a law and get caught, there would be no fear of going to jail without the government giving someone the means to apprehend or kill you. The sward(deadly weapon)is the only real source of power that most people respect.
NO, I am not advocating assassination, or shooting out windows at campaign offices or even threats of war or violence. I'm saying that the rifle in your gun safe or the pistol on the top shelf in your closet may be your last line of defense against this government, if they continue to steal our freedom.
Now, many of you will say that this does not align with the Christian philosophy. Poppycock! If history has taught us nothing else, it is that there can be no freedom without bloodshed. This country was liberated by war. The slaves were freed by war. Christ shed his blood so that we would be free from spiritual death. Sacrifices must be made so that freedom can survive. Remember that nothing happens outside of Gods sovereign will. The anti war movement was started and is built by those who don't have a clue who God is. God created all life and oversees all activity on earth; war is nothing new to Him and He is not bothered so much by the death of your earthly body as He is with the death of your soul. Most wars on earth have a spiritual aspect that has greater meaning than the total body count of the winners or losers.
There is a spiritual war going on right now in this nation. And the enemy is winning because we the believers have gotten lazy and comfortable. We have not sacrificed our money, or time, or strength, our pride........we have not sacrificed our lives for our neighbor. We have not loved our fellow countrymen. We say things like " Oh, well I just serve God where I'm at." And that's fine, but is there any fruit from your labor. I say this because this has been me at times, and I know there are many believers like this; in fact it is the majority of us. The proof is in the pudding; just look at our culture.
Good news though. God is taking away our pacifier. He is removing our comforts. That way, we can concentrate on sharing His love for mankind. However, be forewarned, God will test your faith with fire through this process. You will find out who or what your god really is, and you may not be able to sacrifice your false god for the one true God. Today is the day to evaluate your life, and be honest with yourself. Find out what you sacrifice your life for; and if it IS God, then you find this future easier to cope with.
I truly hope and pray that a shot will never be fired. I pray that our nation falls to its knees and repents of its rampant sin. I pray for God's mercy on our land. True believers in Christ only want peace. God doesn't need us to defend his name, and doesn't want us to shed blood on his behalf. He wants us to seize every opportunity to share His love with the world. But this is not a perfect world, and sometimes, war is necessary.


Yüz Germe said...

You are a complete able writer. I'm abashed you don't access added bodies casting to this.
Yüz Germe

Travesti said...

Hi, I wish to thank you for all the good work you have done by compiling so much and putting all this info for freshers to this field like me to use.
great info keep rocking .