Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Dude, that's%#@&ed up!"

Recently, I've seen a commercial on tv advertizing for Las Vegas where a man is standing at the gates of Heaven, waiting as the angels read his book of life. They come to a section of a few pages that are blank; they look at each other perplexed at the unusual situation while the man in judgment looks away knowing that the blank pages are the weekend he spent in Vegas. You know "whatever happens here stays here".
I began to think about the huge misconception that the world has about the day of judgment. The world continues its belief that God goes by whether your life was overall good or bad; when in reality He goes by the very first page of your book. God counts all of mans good deeds as rubbish, therefore your book will appear before him one of two ways.
Those who place their faith in his son Christ Jesus, and have cultivated a relationship with Him, will have a book with the first page stating that this man or woman is covered by the blood of Christ and is under no condemnation, free from the eternal penalty of sin. The rest of the pages will be blank.
The books of those who refuse the free gift of salvation from Jesus will undoubtedly be full of offenses most likely starting with the first conscious rebellion against their parents or God given authority. It will probably be very simple and may not even be outwardly apparent like a lie or temper tantrum. God will examine the heart of the individual and make a judgement. Based on that first offense, God will condemn that individual to hell for eternity. The latter offenses will just be burning coals that the person has heaped upon themselves for the rest of time.
Now, the non believer reading this will be outraged and say "Dude, thats #@%&ed up!" Or maybe they will be humbled by perfect standard that God has set; thinking to themselves that it is impossible to meet the standard on their own. It will seem ridiculous and unfair.
However, if you are the non believer reading this in outrage, please consider a few things. First, God is your perfect, all knowing and all powerful creator and judge that knows you and loves you. Second, He desires to have a relationship and spend eternity with you in Heaven. Finally, He intended for you to read this blog and receive the free gift of salvation that comes only from believing in His son Jesus. You cannot call God unjust and spiteful when He gives you the opportunity to escape your eternal damnation for free. However, there is a catch. Its important to know that your life here on earth will not be easy. Committing your life to Christ will change you. You will receive the Holy Spirit and with it a new heart and new desires. You will be in constant conflict with your former sin patterns. God will try to save you from the consequences of you sin, but only if you want to give them up. If you enjoy the momentary pleasure of your sin while trying to be in relationship with Christ and God, your heart will always be torn and your life will be ineffective. Following Christ is a life of true joy, hope and love. It is also a life of trial and refinement with imminent failure along the way. The good news is that the failures are forgiven if the heart is repentant. Having a real relationship with God carries with it a fulfillment that nothing on earth can touch. Not money, not marriage, not sex, not even children. Those are just perks that can bring you closer to God.
Some people will read this blog and scoff; while others will feel great sorrow knowing that they have a way out but are unwilling to give up their life of momentary pleasure and sin. And then there will be those who will trade their trinkets in this life for the treasure in the other. The good news is Gods offer does not expire until you do, or until he returns. Whichever comes first. But why wait, pray now. Your Heavenly Father is standing by.


Anonymous said...

Really nice experience with this type of people...keep sharing your thoughts and experience...
Burun Estetiği

estetik said...

It is also a life of trial and refinement with imminent failure along the way.